General Secretaries & Designated Agents Symposium 2023 Objectives
At the end of the symposium, the delegates were expected to have an appreciation of the new Labour Amendment 11 of 2023.
- The Amendment increased scrutiny on the functions and conduct of the Designated Agents.
- It also changed the complexion of the administration of NECs through the introduction of the new players.
- The Dialogue on the new Amendment will assisted stakeholders on the implementation Matrix.
- With the new changes, delegates were also expected to understand the Labour dispute settlement process procedures. Dispute resolution is a key function of the NECs and Das.
- Retirement processes and procedures following the amendment were also be unpacked. Delegates were also be made privy to health and safety aspects that were necessary to ensure that employees work within the facets of decent work. Aspects to do with usual social protection were also touched on.
- Discussions on retirement issues would also equip delegates with practical ways that could help them thrive in retirement and also enhance their retirement preparedness.
- Lastly governance issues are important for the sustainability and going concern of any organization. Governance issues were also discussed to ensure improvement in the administration of NECs in order to enhance operations.